Saturday 6 January 2018

Friday, July 14th, 2017

It's amazing what you'll have to say once you have mastered the art of listening.  James 1:9 "So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath."  James uses the word swift to describe how we should listen.  Then to be slow when it comes to talking and slow to get angry.  Doing something slowly or quickly is a decision that's made in your mind.  To run or walk in a choice.  James is saying that you need to make a decision about hearing, talking, and anger management.  You can talk, talk, talk but your abundance of words does not mean anyone is listening.  A good listener is not listening to judge what you have to say or even learn from what you're saying but they are listening in love to know what to say when it's time to speak.  It's by us listening to the Holy Spirit who is our God given guide that we are led into greater levels of ministry and truth.  May we all hear inwardly from Heaven today that we may have the wisdom to change the world around us.
This Sunday I'll be sharing, 'All Roads Go Somewhere.'  You can go down the wrong road or be on the right road but every road you travel brings you somewhere. 
I will be away the following two Sundays.  Pastor Mark and Pastor Bruce will be sharing the word of the Lord.
We are planning a Special Fellowship Sunday on our church property Aug. 6th.  The service would start @10:30 with a fellowship time to follow.  If it rains we would have our service back at the church, 500 Terrace St.
Continue to pray for all those in need, looking forward to seeing you soon, lots of love Pastor Kevin and Alice      

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