Saturday 6 January 2018

Friday, December 29th, 2017

Since I've been saved the end of the year always causes me to think forward into the coming year.  What will the Lord be doing in my life in 2018?  Who will come into the church, hear the gospel, and be saved?  Will it be one of your children or one of your friends?  Who in bondage will declare freedom and what sick person will declare that they have been healed?  What past promises from God will be fulfilled in 2018?  The Lord does great things every year but who will receive this year?  Who in God's calendar will this coming year be their season for increase?  Psalm 37:3-5 "Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass."
This will be a great NEW Year for us as we see a great increase in signs and wonders and miracles.
This Sunday will be the last day of 2017 and we will have both a 10:30 morning service and a 7-9 evening watch night service.  The evening service will have worship and praise, testimonies of past victories and future hopes and dreams.  There will also be a fellowship time with coffee and tea and if everyone could brings some sweets for us all to share.
A call to fast.  As I was praying about having a united time of fasting for the New Year I felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to ask you to join with me in a 40 hour fast.  Not 40 hours straight but starting Tuesday Jan 2nd and ending Friday Jan 5th.  Each day 10 am till 8 pm (10 hours) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  In a time of fasting we don't eat any food but you may have liquids. 
Next Sunday Jan. 7 is the first Family Sunday for the New Year and our Bible Studies will begin the following week with a new 10 week Bible Study in Glace Bay at the home of Cathy Sams.  Dave Forrester will be teaching a 10 week course on the book of Romans. 
Continue to pray for all those in need, looking forward to seeing you soon, lots of love Pastor Kevin and Alice

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