Thursday 1 January 2015

Friday, December 26th, 2014

Well after that first Christmas was over it wasn't the end of the celebration and time to put everything away but it was the beginning.  Our Savior had arrived and for the next few years He would grow up really unnoticed by the world butHe grew up in wisdom and found favor with God and man.  It was a time of training and preparing to be ready for the next great event.  It seems with life we want to go from one high to the next high but in God He uses all of our low times to prepare us for the next high time.  If all the time was a high time we would wear out but thanks be to God for it's in the valley that He restores my soul.  Harvest time is a high time but there must have been a planting time, a weeding time, a watering time, and a waiting time before there was a harvest time.  Every day is precious in the eyes of the Lord as we declare that this is the day that the Lord has made (and once I see that truth,) I will rejoice and be glad in it.  Enjoy your day and be blessed for you are highly favored.
This is the last Sunday on 2014.  We have the ability to reflect back over the years and reflect ahead into the future with great hope for what's ahead.  Sunday morning I'll be sharing on, 'What Do You Expect?'   The Holy Spirit has been sharing with me some insight into how He heals our mind and emotions.  Come expecting to receive a fresh revelation from the Word of the Lord.  Sunday evening Pastor Mark will be leading and having a time of testimonies.  Come and share something that the Lord has done for you and something that you believe He'll be doing for you in the future. 
Continue to pray for all those in need.  I'm really looking forward to seeing you on Sunday, lots of love, Pastor Kevin and Alice   

Friday, December 19th, 2014

This time next week Christmas 2014 will be over.  There is a lot of planning that goes into Christmas and very well there should be as we celebrate the birth of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.  The question is not should we celebrate but it's more how should we celebrate?  For us who believe the focus needs to be on Christ.  The community as a whole keeps baby Jesus in Christmas but He is no longer the main event.  As you listen to music on the radio or attend school concerts Jesus is somewhere in it if you listen closely.  Don't get me wrong who doesn't love, White Christmas and Frosty The Snowman.  There is nothing wrong with anything other but it takes a little work to keep our focus on Christ as we take in what's going on around us.  Lets us who believe celebrate Jesus and allow our face to reveal that Christ is alive and well in our heart.  
This Sunday is always an exciting Sunday as in the morning we are having our annual Sunday School Christmas concert.  Practice is on Saturday so get ready, get ready, get ready for a wonderful time Sunday morning.  In the evening we are having music and readings from our church with special music being provided by the Victoria Regional School Ukulele group.  We will have a time of fellowship to end the evening.  If anyone wants to bring some sweets along for the evening it will be greatly enjoyed by everyone. 
I was talking to the director of Loaves and Fishes and they are looking forward to us coming to sing there onWednesday morning (Christmas Eve.)  We sing from 10:30 to 11:30.  If you are going to sing with us try to be there around 10 for set up and sound check.
Also we have several CBU international students who attend our church and they stay at the CBU over the holidays.  It is our goal to have all of these students enjoy a Christmas meal with one of the families in our church.  No one needs to take all of them but if we had several homes that could take two.  What it means for your family is the time of your Christmas meal you would arrange picking up your students, taking them to your home for the meal, and then taking them back to the CBU.  All you need to do is talk to Pastor Bruce to set it up.
Continue to pray for all those in need.  Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday, from our home to yours, lots of love, Merry Christmas Pastor Kevin and Alice   

Friday, December 12th, 2014

Here's a thought for you; Christmas is all around us and yet you have to stop and consider what Christmas is really about.  It you don't focus on the real meaning of our Savior being born, you may become lost in the world's wrapping paper.  I think we can apply this truth to most things in life.  You can be married and yet there are times when you need to consider what marriage is all about.  You can be a parent and stray from the purpose of why God gave you your children. You can be a Christian and get lost in the doing of things that need to get done rather than understanding who you are, you are a child of the King.  I know that you know the real meaning of Christmas so keep that in mind as you lift up your head, smile, and rejoice.
This Sunday morning I'll be sharing on 'Simeon The Prophet.'  Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to the temple to be dedicated when Simeon arrived and asked to hold the child.  Simeon said some profound things about who Jesus was and who He would be to the world. 
I want to thank all the volunteers who made our banquet last weekend a great success and I know that next weekend there will be a lot of volunteering to make things work.  God has been so good to our church to give us a membership that is full of such wondering willing believers.  In light of all this activity there will be no evening service this Sunday,rest up as we prepare for the busy days ahead.
Next Saturday Dec. 20th is a practice for the Sunday School Christmas presentation.  On Sunday morning the 21st is the Christmas Concert and Sunday evening there will be a night of special music, word, and fellowship.  On Wednesday Dec. 24th 10:30 am we sing about our Savior's Birth at Loaves and Fishes.  Come at 10 if you would like to help out with the singing.  
Continue to pray for all those in need.  Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday, lots of love Pastor Kevin and Alice