Wednesday 29 January 2014

Friday, January 24th, 2014

Praise the Lord, even for the cold days.  Paula Bloise pointed out this verse in the Bible.  Job 38:22 "Have you entered the treasury of snow, or have you seen the treasury of hail?"  Cold weather is often something that we declare to be a negative thing and not a treasury.  In fact the colder is gets the more negative comments we hear about it.  Also at this time of year as you look to the sky you'll see thousands of Canadians fly south (not geese) to escape the bitter cold.  It's a great idea and people really enjoy the warmer weather.  The flip side that we learn about our human nature is, we will try if we can to escape anything negative.  Be it the weather, negative people, bad health, hell, and awful jobs we will go anyplace that's better than where we are.  King David had problems all around him when he wrote Psalm 27:5 "For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; In the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock."  It's in times of spiritual trouble that David found a place to escape to.  A secret and safe place of the soul where he could cast all his cares upon the Lord.  Today if there are negative things robbing your peace, escape in prayer into the presence of the Lord and allow Him to carry you.  Jesus loves you and gives you the warmth of His Grace to melt the coldness of life.
This Sunday morning I'll be sharing on, 'His Kingdom Revealed.'  What does His Heavenly Kingdom look like on earth?  Jesus reveals ways to see if His Kingdom is in you.  Sunday evening Pastor Mark will be sharing the Word of the Lord.  Come out and bring your praise and worship into the house of the Lord. 
Continue to pray for those in need.  Hazen Usher is in the Sydney hospital and Carl MacDonald is in the Glace Bay hospital, both are in need of a healing.  Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday, lots of love Pastor Kevin and Alice.

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