Monday 6 January 2014

Friday, December 27th, 2013

Praise the Lord , are we at the end of 2013 or the beginning or 2014?  I know we are at both, it's like the glass that's half full or half empty.  If we are going to see things in the right light, it has to do with having a candle of contentment from the past and a match of hope for the future.  If you look back with regret then you'll look forward with worry.  I have faced nothing in my past that has overwhelmed the God that I serve and there shall be nothing in my future that is bigger than God.  It is here where we live in the Promise Land or promises that have come true, are coming true and will come true that we trust in the living God.  Yes your best days are yet to come. 
This Sunday morning I'll be sharing on, 'First & Last.'  Often it's when we have lived a little that we gain the wisdom to reach the end with success.  In the evening we will have an evening of worship, testimonies, and fellowship.   
Continue to pray for those in need, may you have a blessed, healthy, and Happy New Year, lots of love, Pastor Kevin and Alice  

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