Saturday 23 November 2013

Friday, November 22nd, 2013

Praise the Lord for His mercy and grace.  We thank God for the growth in the numbers of new people that are attending the church.  That being said, a growth in maturity within the church happened before the growth in numbers.  This is a true principle, even in creation babies can't give birth to babies but it's the mature adults that gives birth to babies.  It's the job of the  Holy Spirit to add to the church such as should be saved.  In the early church new people were added daily.  If daily 20 people got saved and they all came to church the following week, there would be 140 new people in the church each week.  That would be wonderful but it's the job of the Holy Spirit to first look at the church and as the church is mature enough to handle some babies, the Holy Spirit calls them and sends them along.  I encourage you to grow in mercy and grace and allow the love of God to be shed abroad in your heart.
Tomorrow at Chant's Funeral Home there will be the home going service for Marjorie Conrad who was a faithful member of our congregation.  From 12 noon till 2 is visitation with the family, the funeral is @2 followed by a time of fellowship.  We pray for Divine comfort to all of Marjorie's family and friends. 
Sunday morning we will be having as special guest the Burke Family singing the songs of Christmas.  I will also share a message, 'Broken Pieces A New Day.'  Many times after we are broken down it's hard to be built up.  Jesus offers hope to broken people.  Sunday evening Pastor Mark with be sharing on, 'Kingdom Tension.'  There are many pressures today coming from many voices and we need to hear the clear word of the Lord and hold it tightly in our heart.
Next Sunday Dec. 1st is Family Sunday so plan to come early, bring some food, and some friends.
Continue to pray for those in need, looking forward to seeing you all, lots of love, Pastor Kevin and Alice 

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